Q: How does this process work?
A: We take your application over the phone, our underwriting reviews your application and speaks with your Attorney, once everything is done and completed we will give you a call.
Q: Can I receive my money right away?
A: You can receive your money as soon as possible, it just depends on how quickly we get the information we need from your Attorney.
Q: What are your rates?
A: 36% every 6 months.
Q: What type of cases do you guys fund?
A: Personal injury, workers comp, slip and fall, premises liability, and etc.
Q: How long does this process take?
A: We work as fast as your attorneys work.
Q: Do you need to have an attorney?
A: Yes.
Q: Does my attorney need to sign off on this process?
A: Yes.
Q: Where do I fill out an application?
A: You can fill out an application online or over the phone with our intake department.
Q: When should I hear something back from you guys?
A: As soon as we hear from your attorney we will give you a call.
Q: What is the max/minimum amount you guys can give me?
A: Our minimum is $1000 and our maximum is based on the facts of your case.
Q: What states do you not fund in?
A: Tennessee Illinois Arkansas.
Q: Can I still get funding even though I have a prior loan with another funding company?
A: It is very possible. It depends on the fax of the case.
Q: Do you guys fund minors?
A: We do not fund minor cases.
Q: What are your hours?
A: 9-6 pm eastern time.
Q: Will I be able to get more money later on?
A: It is very possible depending on how your case progresses.
Q: Is good credit necessary to qualify for money?
A: No we do check credit.