For individuals involved in a personal injury lawsuit or insurance claim, one of the top questions they have is usually centered around the amount of money their case is worth.…
After a person is injured, alleges negligence of another party, and files a lawsuit, the person is referred to as the plaintiff. The individual or entity that allegedly caused the…
While most injury cases are settled out of court, many of them are settled before an injury lawsuit is even filed. Choosing to accept an out-of-court settlement has several advantages…
If you were involved in an auto accident that was the other driver’s fault, you will be the plaintiff should you decide to file a personal injury lawsuit. It is…
Individuals involved in personal injury lawsuits may find themselves asking why their case is taking so long. The answer to that question is likely multi-faceted, but there are usually four…
Accidents happen all the time. Many accidents, regardless of the specific type, can result in injuries that can range from relatively mild to severe and disabling. However, even a temporary…
Being involved in a lawsuit is a long and arduous process, and that doesn’t include the pain and suffering you may be experiencing after your ordeal. You may believe that…